Attack on Survey Corps is a visual novel set in a world inspired by the anime/manga Attack on Titan.

The protagonist and Elsa had to flee their home district of Shiganshina because of an attack by the Colossal and Armored Titan! In the process, they split up with their mother and her fate is unknown...

After the disaster, they decide to join the Cadet Corps in order to avenge the Titans. 

However, the protagonist of the story discovers that quite a few beautiful girls have also joined the Cadet Corps. Now the protagonist has other goals besides killing titans...

The game follows the events of the anime/manga with the premise, of course, that this is an erotic visual novel. In this visual novel, you'll be able to experience the familiar story from a different perspective and with interesting changes!

Keep in mind that the game is a fan-based parody.  We have nothing to do with the original series owned by Hajime Isayama. Please, support the official release of the upcoming last anime season.

  • A several hours of erotic visual novel with your favorite characters from Attack on Titan!
  • Various small mini-games!
  • There are currently 11 characters available in the game! 7 characters already familiar to us and 4 completely original to this game!
  • A huge number of erotic scenes with animation!
  • Content is constantly being added and this is only a small part of what we will be able to offer you in the future

We are constantly thinking about where to take our project next. We plan for the game's plot to follow the events of the anime/manga Attack on Titan. You can expect to see events and characters from the 2nd, 3rd and 4th season of the anime in the game in the future! 

However, we're not fans of making big promises, so we'll limit ourselves to sharing the plans for the coming year for now.

We hope for your support so that we can realize our vision of the game to the fullest!


If you want to support us and keep up with the latest news, you can use the links below:



The 0.20.2 update is now out!
Please, if you like the game, make sure to rate it! Many thanks to every single one of you for playing our game! ^^

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why night watch just have two option girls? just mikasa and ymir

Hi, I really liked the game, especially the latest updates where the animations have improved a lot, but I would like to know when the night interactions will return... I believe that this topic is what would make the game a thousand times better both in arc 1 and (mainly) in arc 2.

and probably 99% of other players will like it too

when update

Working on it, it's a new arc, will take a little longer this time


how do i unlock the rest after it says more coming soon or something im latest version

Progress other girls

I don't know how to do this


Progress other girls

(1 edit)

bro can you plz tell when is the next arc coming on web??? (approx date???)

next month hopefully

okk thnx, do it asap bro i need to live

Petra, No?


training with mikasa doesnt work, anyone tips

For me neither

the game wont update for me

what happens when you get one of the girls to 30

30 what?

30 on lust love and relationship

first of all, this game is great and i can only see it getting better,

second, maybe this was stated somewhere, is there ever going to be possible gay/trans stuff in this game ? (no offense, no hate btw just asking)

There enough lesbians

make your own game

It was perfect. Perfect everything down to the last minute details.

When will the next update come?

Not sure yet, working on it. It's gonna be next arc so it'll take some time

Why cant we interact with them at night anymore?

It was really good when you could do that, it's a shame they removed it.

When is the update?

Its Telling me to complete the Halloween what is that

Advance other branches and one morning Sasha will come to you, asking you about halloween

Anyone know why the android port keeps crashing every 5 minutes or so? I have android 11

That's what happening to me too

Hey I've done everything other than the threesome with Jane and Sasha but it won't let me go into the tent at sunset, how do I do this?

Eh? Talk to Jane at the training grounds at noon if I get you right

Cool got it now, said to go to tent at sunset in the journal but talking at noon has worked thanks

Is there a way to Download the old Versions too or are they deleted?


Can you make it so the the ID sync has no timer because I lost all my data on iPhone. Please

I really hope there'll be a walkthrough document or something soon, I have no idea what to do right now

So I banged Annie, but now I can't seem to progress her questline. The character guide says to talk to the mirror man but I don't get a prompt for anything related to Annie.

Great game BTW! Super fun.

Just progress other branches, her event will trigger on its own

(2 edits)

Overall, I liked that the game had a well-structured story. Although it is a bit cliché, it is not bad at all. However, I have one criticism:

The artstyle is VERY improvable. I think that artists with a bit more talent should be hired for future releases (often there are characters that don't even look alike in certain animations), and the postures and anatomy in general should also be worked on. There are even times when the drawing is so bad that it makes you feel uncomfortable.

That was the case in arc 1. We keep improving in this area but I know that there's no limit to this. We'll try and get better. Thanks, mate.

В 1 арке есть возможность предложить Эльзе крутить бутылочку, но она всегда отказывается. Эта функция работает?

Она говорила когда зайти к ней в комнату. Утром или на закате, не помню точно.

I'm confused about how you talk to Christa because she's always with ymir

Try sleeping with her/going to sleep in your own bed late at night. She told u what to do but you just skipped the whole thing apparently

everytime I try to wait till late at night nothing happens

Sleep when it's night, not just wait. Or click on her sleeping, you'll have two options. Try both.

I tried both but neither worked for some reason and she is the character I need to progress

Can someone share their saves, I lost mine because I got a new phone, the last I played was when Sasha got locked in the prison, please share savessss

(1 edit)

Since it's a RenFi engine, I'm looking forward to running it on my phone, is it possible?

It didn't run when I installed it before

Sounds like a problem with your phone, not the game


Is the next update will be 22.3 or  23.1 ?

And when will be it release

I do not know about the version, but in about 30 days

В обновлении 0.22.2 после Рождественского события, когда мы возвращаемся в лагерь, там написано поговорить с тренером в полдень, но я не могу с ним поговорить, время не меняется с утра, что мне делать?

(1 edit)

После НГ ты никуда не возвращаешься, арка кончается. Ты о чем?


i cant train with mikas

When is the update?


I can't wait for the update. Elsa is waiting for me.

let it go! let it go! cover elsa with your - oh wait this mics on.. xD

Can someone please share there saves, I lost mine because I got a new phone, this game is too long to start over please 🙏🙏

the old sprites were way better

My game just keeps crashing when I go to instructor

i know you heard this millions of times but wheres the patch dude its been quite along time ...


Hoping for more Hange, Ash, and the new black haired girl in Act 2! Maybe even another original character for Act 3 with a slight tan.  B-)

Actively working on it, mate <3


You da best Remo!

Can someone tell me where mikasa goes during noon/evening in the first part? ive searched everywhere available for her multiple times and cant find her.


go to male dorms at sunset


whats wrong?

Nothing? Choose arc, let game restart, choose that arc again and play

Thanks bro

Anyone know why my mouse keeps disappearing ever few minutes or so? i keep having to go in and out of fullscreen to get it back.

 i have earlier version can i a update it


How do I update my progress on PC/Android?

On PC you don't have to worry about anything, just download the newest version, run the game and saves should be there. On Android, don't delete the previous version of the game. Download the newest version, when installing choose to update the game. Enter the game and saves should be there!

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