Amazing job like always Remo, keep going, your game is great! And just a question, who's the character under Elsa's pic in the journal? Is not added yet or am i doing something wrong lmao?
b-bruh this is mfing adult game stuff will be more revealing so if you can't handle even a fragment of what ur gonna see you may as well just not play the game -_-
You can install a third-party launcher with a feature to hide apps from normal use. You can for example get launchers that will allow you to set a gesture pattern on the home screen which will then reveal your secondary/hidden set of apps. Personally I don't use the feature, but I know Nova Launcher has it. You might need to purchase the Prime version to unlock this feature. I have had it for many years, and don't use the feature as said, so don't know if it is part of the free version or not.
Where saves meant to cross over because mine didn't. im not upset or anything just asking. should motion i played this before i made an account. i never made one because i was never asked to (that i can remember).
I have a problem, i am replaying the game and i have a quest for mikasa saying that i should figure out where she's going on evenings but i can't find her, im not sure if i am supposed to unlock sauna then find here there
Is there a way to transfer save data? I really don't wanna play threw the whole game again -_- I see that there's that "Download Data From Sync Server" but I don't understand how to do that some help would be nice. If its not possible, It is what it is
This story again whenever a renpy engine gets an update. Go write to your AV devs that they should update their database and stop flagging renpy as PUP
Hey! I've been playing the game for a while and really enjoyed it, particularly some of the latest updates. I'm not sure if I've run into an issue, or if the content simply hasn't been added to the game yet and I'm all caught up. I'm currently playing the lastest version of the game (0.14.2), and I've been trying to interact with Ada and Ash, however when I try talking to them in the morning at the camp it won't let me, and if I try talking to Ada later in the day at the ODM Grounds I get some generic dialogue where she says we aren't friends and I was too busy talking to the other girls. Am I missing something? Or is content with both girls simply something that hasn't been added yet? Furthermore, I have a blank spot in my book, on the far right the second row down. I'm assuming this is for either Ada or Ash, however I'm not sure since it's blacked out. Another question that I wanted to ask was regarding the night watch system. It's apparent that this is something that you will be able to do with every girl, since when you click on their heart in the book it mentions it. I'm assuming this is also something that hasn't been added to the game yet but will come in a future update?
Не знаю самая офигенная девочка это всё таки энни вся её эта непрпобиваймасть и закрытость истенная цундера которую нужно воспринимать такой какая она есть
Wait did beta come out, the file seems same as the last one, it asks me do i want to download the same file again when i hit download so im not sure ifi should download it again. Nvm comes out on 13th
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Amazing job like always Remo, keep going, your game is great!
And just a question, who's the character under Elsa's pic in the journal? Is not added yet or am i doing something wrong lmao?
She's yet to come to the camp that character. Thanks!
Remo just so you know the game hasn't been uploaded to browser yet. when you open the game it just say the developer hasn't uploaded a game yet
hes aware, the itch io team havent approved the request to make it playable here.
like they havent approved of it yet or they said no
Dude, did you change the image of the app on mobile, it is literally Mikasa semi naked, could you please make it more discreet?
b-bruh this is mfing adult game stuff will be more revealing so if you can't handle even a fragment of what ur gonna see you may as well just not play the game -_-
i mean tbf who wants to hide a app everytime they show somebody something on theyre phine
You can install a third-party launcher with a feature to hide apps from normal use. You can for example get launchers that will allow you to set a gesture pattern on the home screen which will then reveal your secondary/hidden set of apps. Personally I don't use the feature, but I know Nova Launcher has it. You might need to purchase the Prime version to unlock this feature. I have had it for many years, and don't use the feature as said, so don't know if it is part of the free version or not.
its a porn game...
fair lmao, imagine having to explain that being there.
o shoot buddy I didn't realise you meant it by that 😅 I get that problem too
Whenever I open the game, it doesn't respond and the download button for the new version doesn't work for me
It loads in very slowly and says error when requesting serve
Windows 11
nevermind i fixed it
Where saves meant to cross over because mine didn't. im not upset or anything just asking. should motion i played this before i made an account. i never made one because i was never asked to (that i can remember).
No, saves weren't meant to be cross saved. Start a new arc by starting a new game and choosing the second arc
I have a problem, i am replaying the game and i have a quest for mikasa saying that i should figure out where she's going on evenings but i can't find her, im not sure if i am supposed to unlock sauna then find here there
Go to male dorms at sunset
remo the game will be play able here?
We've sent a request to team, hopefully they'll help us to make it playable here online
all my saves are still saved right?
Saves from first arc won't be supported
remo are you going to upload the game soon?
Check downloads
i dont know how to run the game
только что обновил игру,захожу в сохаренные а там они не поддерживаются,что делать?
сохранения с прошлых версий теперь не работают, либо проходить первую арку полностью с начала, либо можешь начать сразу со второй
Hello ! Is there any changes between .14.2 and 0.14.3 ? Because I downloaded 0.14.3 and nothing was changed.
Thx in advence.
Only translation/code/bug fixes
Okay thx !
hey remo how can I get up to speed with ada and ash?
That's to be added
thanks! love the game so far
should i replay arc 1? or is it exactly the same as before the update?
No changes were made to arc 1 in terms of content
those anybody know how to unlock they character do the rights of Ymir in the book
Remo where can i find the missing scene?
Is there a way to transfer save data? I really don't wanna play threw the whole game again -_- I see that there's that "Download Data From Sync Server" but I don't understand how to do that some help would be nice. If its not possible, It is what it is
You don't need to replay anything. Simply click on start a new game and choose the second arc
I want to play my saves on the new version but I don’t know How to unlock a save because I don’t know my ID
Old saves aren't supported
thanks for all the hard work remo mate, hope your doing good and wish you all the best, hope we can get the browser version soon.
The browser version is up to team, hopefully they'll let us post it here soon! And thanks!
Thanks for the hard work, loved the first arc. Could it be that the game files are more than 500MB? It seems the limit for HTML5 game on
even before, the files were like 550mb or smthn, so i don't think that's the issue.
Remo you got an idea on when its going to be uploaded on itch?
no browser version for us till a bit later i guess
For some reason the scene where sasha pleases jane isn't showing up in my journal despite me watching it multiple times
I don't think it's that scene
what scene is it?
is it only me that is still not able to play the update?
it says the game has not been released yet - _-
i mean the developer has not uploaded a game
-_- check downloads, damn.
got everything working now my anti-virus kept deleting the game when i went to run it. Had to just turn it off temporarily
yh ur anti-virus can be a pain in the as- o omg
Finally the part 2 update is available! Thanks for your hard work Remo!
Idk, I got the same thing so I just uninstalled not tryin take no risk!!
This story again whenever a renpy engine gets an update. Go write to your AV devs that they should update their database and stop flagging renpy as PUP
how tf do i get into it?
the itch io team hasn’t uploaded it yet but you can download through game links in discord
its gone, will it be back soon?
the owner of the game has died. I think there is no new version for the public today XD
I was suspecting that it will be free by later today or tomorrow
the download links just disappeared so anytime now it might release
It's here
you can use the links to download you can’t run it in itch yet
When is v. 0.14.2 going to be free?
when the wind blows remo
it’s out on links you just can’t run it through itch yet
How do i find hange's diary
Just do what the journal tells you to do
Where do I replay Ymir’s masturbation scene?
did the new version release or not yet
When will the new version release? And would the new version be version 14.2?
Ada/Ash to be added
The missing girl in the journal is yet to come to the camp
The nightwatch system will be added in the next update, yes
How I can unlock more Girls whit the nightwatch escenes and how I can unlock ash?
I just bought the game, but the game download says it will take days (I have good internet)
hi, I'm having issues because I can't find the instructor in her room at evening like it says.
check around the camp at evening. . . she will be somewhere else
How do i get in the sync server and how do i generate a sync id?
Just finished the first arc holy $%$$ was that an amazing story so far 👏
I do have a few tids of things I do want to say just wanted to make formally and all
1.mirror man: a quest log similar to the other interactive girls
2.mikasa was great really enjoyed all her interactions
3. christa feels a bit delayed not sure what to make of it
4. hange... hunge? Whatever I feel an interactive with the dildo would have been interesting maybe with the instructor?
5. The rest of the girls were OK a few needed to be pushed a little further in a way but other that great!!
Не знаю самая офигенная девочка это всё таки энни вся её эта непрпобиваймасть и закрытость истенная цундера которую нужно воспринимать такой какая она есть
Do I have to delete everything I've played to download the beta?
Wait did beta come out, the file seems same as the last one, it asks me do i want to download the same file again when i hit download so im not sure ifi should download it again. Nvm comes out on 13th
I have looking for elsas picture and am mentally stuck looking for it anyone willing to drop a hint
Enter the classroom and click on your table
bro will the new update remain in beta or will it come for free to we are waiting now its more than 10 days i feel 😀😀😅
comes out on the 13th