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Lets go new update

when will Hange get another update?

This update she'll return

How do I progress Christa's branch after she gave me a handjob in the steamroom. It says progress Mikasa's story; which I already did. What do I do now?
I can't speak to her in the evening or at night.

Finish all other branches, then move on to Mikasa. 

Im in the same position.. stuck in a loop 'cause I need to progress each girls branch but it leads back to Mikasa..

Sleep with sister. You have one of the branches unfinished apparently

Progressed a few days and slept with Elsa already,  nothings changed..

Check other girl's notes in the journal. It should either say to progress Mikasa's branch or that their branches are finished. If not, do what the journal says.


It's a really good game and i can't wait for the next update to drop i hope you guys aren't to stressed to bring more and more content to the gold mine of a game 👍👍

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Nah, we keep going. Thank you, man


This is the best AOT game I have played. I can't wait for the next update !

Thank you, friend

when another update?

How to update?

Yo bro. Will you add more girls to the game like pieck or sum?


Sure, when we get there in terms of story


encontre casi todas las fotos pero me falta la segunda creo que es la de sasha alguien me podria pasar la ubicacion porfavor? ;D que no la encuentro xd

Check her bed during midday

gracias :D

sabes como conseguir la foto ymirs no la encuentro

Is there an estimated time for the next update bc I can't wait

Encotré casi todas las fotos menos una no se si es de anni o de ymir me falta la tercera foto 

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Couldn't find a good NSFW AoT game. Then i found this goldmine.
Btw by how much % is the update done?

When can we expect for the next update? :)


Yo homie you done made an excellent game can't wait for the next update

Thank you, friend!

Слушай ремо , а когда обнова? примерное время сможешь сказать скок осталось до обновы

Бета скоро, фул релиз пока не знаю точно

how do i update my game without losing progress

If you're on an android, install the newest update on top of the old build, the saves will be there. Then you can delete the old version.
If it's pc, just download the new version and run it, saves aren't stored in the game folder anyway.

Hola me pueden decir donde encuentro el resto de las fotos para completar el porter para seguir la historia


For Christa, go to the maneuvering gear field, there's a bunch of rocks there. Click on them, friend

en los baños calientes, en la botella, encontrarás la foto de la instructora

En la cama de sasha al medio día encontrarás la de ella,

Donde puedo encontrar los baños calientes 

en los baños calientes, en la botella, encontrarás la foto de la instructora

En la cama de sasha al medio día encontrarás la de ella,

dónde puedo encontrar la imagen de Elsa?

lo puedes conseguir en el salon de clases al medio dia en tu escritorio dentro de un libro

Im having trouble with christine story line where im supposed to talk to her but cant. And i can continue the hange storyline without passing Christine. Plus help

Man, in dialogues she always tells you what to do, try not skipping everything

Anyway, you either need to go sleep in your bed late at night/wake her up at night/sleep with her


Thts my fault i forgot to delete my comment after i figured it out. I've caught up. Keep up the good work im looking forward to play the rest of the story. 

brother i need more updates

im fucking starving over here


Whoever made this game.. I love you bro

Question, on the scenes itvsays im missing one for the instructor between the Vanilla style and Persuading to keep the relationship.  Did I miss something?

There's a different sex scene if you take another route with her.
You shouldn't go down on her/force her to deepthroat you during first BJ scene

So is it possible to get all her scenes on a single save file?

Not really


Next update?

Working on it

How do I complete the wagon mini game? Is it even possible to compete it?

It is.
Choose the following dialogue options

I was looking for you
I wanted to talk to you
Can I help you with the wagon?
Your hair looks nice today

Then go hug her. 

Thanks! I've been puzzled trying to get it for a while. 

I lost my save file and I can't seem to get it back, can anybody give me their save file?

I just finished the last version. Do you want them?

yo can you give me the save file pls, i reinstalled windows and forgot to upload mine on cloud ☠️

That would be great, Thanks

(2 edits)

I'm stock in instrutor's husband came back I can't click instructor in traning grounds after instructor's husband back!  Anyone can help me hahahahaha plss😊😊😊😗😗😗😗😘😘😍😍🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Why would you want to click on her again? Her branch is over in this update

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But says in journal   "I was about to fuck our instructor again oh by the way, her name is jane. Sadly, when I was about to enter her, her crappy old husbund come back... Fuck, that dude gives me the creeps when I look at him. I'll have to go to the training grounds like he told me to."    Pls help meeee😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Ah, what version of the game do you play? Update to 0.10.4



Hahahahahaha thank you bro

how do you save

Look at the top of the screen, there's a cog icon. Click on it


How do I finish the poster? Help?? 


Появилась твоя игра в рекомендациях, поиграл. Жду следующего обновления для продолжения истории!!

can you have sex with ymir

Sale que está actualizado donde se descarga la nueva actualización?

Deleted 1 year ago

The dlc will come back later on as a separate downloadable content, friend

When will the next update come? :)


Beta will be out soon, full release somewhere in early-mid March

Deleted 1 year ago




In the journal

is there any way to download some of the older versions of the game? on the downloads page the only options available is the newest release

как мне взять еду со столовой


Это как


Днем приходите в столовую, там банка с молоком на столе. Ее трудно не увидеть. Берете и идете к Ханжи

I’m stuck on the part of Annie’s part where you’re supposed to wait, what do I do? 

Huh? Not sure where you're at, man
To start her branch advance Hange's branch, then you'll start Annie's one

I have completed hange’s branch, it’s the first part where you just met her 


Then just do what the journal tells you. It's pretty straight forward with her

Well that’s the problem it keeps saying stay away from her 


Then you haven't finished Hange's branch.

Las dos escenas aleatorias si están? Esque solo me a salido una...

как развивать отношения с ханджи

Просто делай ветку и делай что говорится в дневнике

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how do I progress with christa? Everytime I go to her in the afternoon she's with ymir

If it's only beginning of her branch, you gotta watch her sleep a few times, and go to your bed late at night

If not, she tells you everything you need to do when you talk to her, just read the dialogues. You either need to wake her up/go to your bed late at night



Just got a question is the game gonna have a true ending?

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