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Dónde puedo encontrar la última imagen del póster

i can't go on after the part that hange was gone for a few day

Keep doing other branches, she'll come back eventually

Deleted 1 year ago

Hi, I am stuck with progressing Mikasa. I cannot continue with any of the options for special training because I do not have enough affection. However, I am unable to find a way to progress this? What do I need to do to unlock the special training possibilities. Basically all the other characters have waiting for Mikasa in the journal.

Uh, you don't need affection points. Start slow instead of asking her for BJ right away. 
Pat her head > make her smile and go on like this

I realized I am an idiot. I didnt look at those options because of the amount of hearts besides them. Thanks

Can you give a estimated date for next update please?

10th of May public release

Thank you friend !

im stuck with hange quest after i stole mikasa underwear what do i do no

You go back to who gave you the task (Mirror Man)

thank yo

my save got corrupted when the game crashed and now I'm unable to get Mikasa's panties for the mirror man. do you have any suggestions on how to fix it?


i cant find the last peace of the poster the one with the jets

I don't understand the message in announcements on the discord server, is the full update available for 10$ now and 5$ in 3 days or it's available in 3 days for everyone giving more than 5$ ?

The latter, friend

Bro answer me on discord :'(


French translation of the game

How doi advance Christa's story any help would be appreciated.

Watch her sleep > Come to your room at sunset > Go to sleep late at night in your bed

Thank you very much.


Bro I can say that this is one of the best games in this category I hope that you will develop further with this project.I have mad respect to you.Keep up the good work!

Thank you, friend!

(1 edit) (+1)

how do you import a save from the downloaded verion of the game into the online version? I have a save file from the  .10.4 downloaded version of the game that I have a lot of time on.

I have a branch with Krista, there is no pre-pre last scene where ymir should be in bed. how to get it?

I'm not sure where you are.

It's a choice you make, you either sleep with Ymir or Christa, can't get both


I'm stuck on progressing the story with Yimir and Christa. It gives me the option to progress the story at night, but it doesn't let me press the button. It's like this on 2 of the night interaction options with Sasha. Am I missing something?


What does the journal tell you?


Well, keep doing night scenes? It isn't bugged, raise love points.

I cant find the picture to the left of elsa to get the founding titan info. Any help?

Pictures and the info on Founding Titan aren't related at all, friend

(1 edit)

Where is sashas sicker I cant find it anywhere

Click on her bed at noon

I cant seem to progress with Christa's route, the journal says I have to talk to Christa but Ymir keeps dismissing me and we'll talk later is what Christa says. This is after sleeping the first 2 nights together

browser version  is not update

Yeah, because the update hasn't been out yet for everyone

till when browser version will update ?

in the instructor path choice, what are the two routes?

Hi, I've been playing this on the browser, is it possible to transfer save to the downloaded version of the game?

when will the 0.12.1

When is the new update


When will the 0.12.1 come out?


How to go to forest for the quest related to Jean ?

Ayuda, me quedé el la parte en la que le tengo que dar comida de restaurante a hange ¿Que hago?

Go to the eatery at noon, pick a bottle of mlilk
Go to Hange at sunset

please help me to start the instructor's branch, you need to pass Sasha's branch, and Sasha needs to pass the instructor's branch.

I already told you what to do, man 

and what should be done

to go through the branch of Sasha, I need to go through the branch of the instructor and the instructor has to go through the branch of Sasha what to do

Go to Instructor's shack in the evening > then to steam room

how do i start off with hange? doesnt allow me to do anything :/

nvm, i was going at the evening

how to promot the hanji branch

Go to the classroom at noon

Кто подскажет как продвинуть ветку ханджи, из за этого не могу пройти к энни

Android version doesn't load correctly takes 5 mins to load to select language then can't get past that and I tried on multiple devices


Bro really your game is a masterpiece adult game 

And the scenes are very good keep it up

the new update isn't working for me I still don't have new tasks

Wdym? Where exactly are you stuck?

everytime i click on a character for the tasks there is always the sign "MORE IN THE NEXT UPDATE" even after the new update

The 0.12.1 adds new Hange's big branch and one more finishing event for Annie. Check those branches and check scenes in the journal, maybe you really have seen everything?

Where Do I See It? And If The Game Updated Will My Game Reset?


Hello, your game is a masterpiece, each of your updates is maximally worked out.  I would like to advise what else can be added to the game (at your discretion).  For example, one could add to each girl (take underwear from their locker and masturbate on it).  Also during Annie's corruption where we steal her clothes while she's taking a shower, it would be possible to take her clothes outside of the event.  Also add more night scenes with each girl.  I also advise you to pay special attention to Annie and Mikasa, because they are one of the most popular girls in anime.  It's all up to you, I just tried to give an idea to improve the game.  Remember you are the best!  We thank you for your work on this game!

what do i do on the annie quest with the diary all i can do is leave.

same here

Just talk to Hange, start a diary searching event > go back to Hange. You don't have to go and talk to Annie at all

I'm stuck at Annie (when I have to ask her about the diary). I spoke to her in the evening about it, but my diary is still showing me to ask her that

You don't talk to her, you talk to Hange like the journal tells you to

I have the same problem but I can’t talk to hange because she left

how’d you fix this? I’m still stuck on this

You progress Hange's branch? 

It says i have to wait for her to return. 

Yo, uhm is there any news bout when the public release for the latest update will be?

Full release in a few days then it's 10 days from there

Not to be rude, but its kinda messed up that i bought the game for $5, to get access to the downloads early / support you, then like a few weeks later i can't download crap early and have to pay 10$? making my 5$ utterly useless

Im just waiting for the public release man....

No, you don't have to pay 10$
Soon there'll be a full release and then the game will be sold at 5$, friend.
It's still beta and therefore it's 10$ In a few days, it'll drop to 5

Yes, but what i'm saying i already bought it for 5$, and had access to early downloads, then the price went up, and i no longer had access, to get access again, i would have to pay 10. even if it goes back down to 5$, i'd have to cough up another 5, ya feel me :P

also for hange it says stay and talk after class but after there is conversation option

You gotta grab her from behind, man


когда в публичное 0.12?


im stuck on annies quest that asks why they took the diary

does anyone know what i got to do

Go to the training grounds specifically at evening not night just evening

How can I join your discord.

Read the description of the game's page, you'll find a discord link

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