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Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you!

How to get lust for Annie mine is stuck to 11 and I can't steal her clothes:(

its ike I can't make progress anywhere

Do night scenes with her

How do I gain hearts for Anna

(1 edit)

Can someone help me please ? I go in the steam room but nothing is happeningCan someone help me please ?

Steal the clothes (go to steam room at sunset and click on cloth under the seatings), go back to mirror man and only then to Hange

When will the next update be?

Next month

how to get lust for Annie mine is like stuck to 11 and I can't steal her clothes:(

how to get lust for Annie mine is like stuck to 11 and I can't steal her clothes:(

fix the lag training grounds cause pls

what lag

the lag the wind causes in my pc, please add an option to remove it(maybe it only happens to me but its making impossible to progress mikasa/annie)

а как трахнуть имир?

никак, ждать обновы

(1 edit)

снова нужна помощь, где найти открытку с Сашей? я не смогла найти ее только для полной коллекции, а после сбора всех произойдет что-то грандиозное?нужно ли будет подходить к зеркалу?

Клик на ее кровать днем когда в комнате никого нет

Can someone explain what i need to do here


Do night scenes, grind against her pussy and Ymir will catch you

Hey, I don't know if it's too much to ask, there are two little things, have an option at the start of the game that says if you want the women in the game to have beautiful pubic hair or not, since it adapts to tastes and if you could add pieck thank you very much you do an excellent job :D

Porque cuando pones el juego en español unas partes de casi al final salen en inglés? 

Plese read 

Ive finished everything with all the others girls but stil cant talk to christa, how do i talk to her??

Watch her sleep > come to your room at sunset > go sleep late at night in your bed

anyone knows why when I’m playing it just randomly refreshes the game page and makes me load it up again?

Probably , you don 't have enough RAM in your phone , and Google ( or what browser do you have there ? ) prematurely shuts down the page to save memory .

I recommend you download the portable version of the game - it consumes less resources .

im stuck on annie. it keeps saying i need to talk to her but i cant beat the minigame and the skiping thing isnt working. ive trained with mikasa 10 times and it wont work


12.3 was fun! When is the next update?



I very more update! Fast fast and I Like update🙂🙂


Loved the new update! Can't wait for the next one :)

Thank you!

How can i accomplish this mission

im alr done with the others

it's all in the next update except dis one

need answers asap.🙂

You need to make night interaction with christa

what's suppose to happen

Ymir will see you do this then you will see 😉

How will i get to talk to hange about the titan?

Deleted 1 year ago

Try playing other actions with her

Why when updating some old galleries cannot be played?

next update date? if its not decided an estimate would be cool

1 month

How do I unlock Hange. I love the game but I for some reason cannot find Hange 

Keep doing other girls' branches

(1 edit)

I got to the point where to continue any of them I need to do Hange quest but I haven't unlocked her yet 

Nvm I figured it out I'm stupid as fuck

bro i’m so stuck, how do i unlock hange i am feeling so dumb…


This game is very epic 10/10 for its scenes and characters I hope that in the future they can add new scenes and characters RECOMMENDED 🧐

Hello, how to achieve full Mikasa love points? After training in the evening in the forest, I have 4/5 and no longer goes, I need to choose new actions or continue the same, I have only 3 actions not completed, and even if I have only 2 hearts out of 3 to interact with mikasa's action, if I do these actions they will always be filled

Love points have nothing to do with that forest action. 
Keep progressing and then return to those first two options, you'll be able to unlock those as soon as you max out kissing actions and something else, don't remember.
Love points matter only during night scenes

Спасибо вам, и сколько времени это займет, ну точнее сколько дней

Will there be more night interactions with mikasa ? There's only one

Not true, there's more

I meant there's only get on top of her or finger option

Like I said, not true. Keep progressing her branch and more options will appear.

so i progressed every route except for christa how do i talk to her?

Watch her sleep > come to your room at sunset > go sleep late at night in your bed

Deleted 1 year ago

You go to the eatery at noon and pick a bottle of milk right at the centre of your screen

Are you planning to make an own branch for ymir? I have enjoyed the ymir content alot and would like to see that.

Yes, in the next arc Ymir will have her own branch, not tied to Christa's.

Deleted 1 year ago

I'm not even sure what you're doing wrong lol
Too much text and nothing is clear where you are, what the journal tells you.

Deleted 1 year ago

If you finished "training" with Mikasa, you should talk to her when she's in her room at sunset two times, then go sleep in your bed late at night.

Deleted 1 year ago

If you're stuck at some plot point with one particular character and can't promote it, then promote branches of other characters. The game is designed in such a way that some scenarios will not be available for one character until you progress through the plot of others.

Does anyone know who the person is when you are taking a shower because the first time i took a shower someone came up to me and asked me to put my dick in the hole so im just wondering who it is

New update release when??

Next month probably

i just started and i cant progress with Christa because shes always too busy with ymir what do i do?


Promote branches of other characters (especially Sasha) - as the story progresses, you will be able to interact with Krista.

For such questions in the future , I recommend joining the official discord .

(1 edit)

помогите я застрял на задании ханжи где нужно украсть трусики микасы что бы узнать о титанах

Сначала в бане вроде ночью надо быть и там будет коврик какой-то, стащиш потом иди в темный переулок к челу в маске в тоже время а утром идти к ханжи с докладом, баня разположено чуть выше как в класс и переулок идти, я тоже мучался с этим квестом потом на угад все тыкал ну и получилось выполнить, вроде подробно объяснил, если не понял то извини!

any way for me to carry progress from 0.11.6 to the new version?

Yeah, if it's android, don't delete the previous version but install the newest on top of it.
If it's PC, just download the new build and run it, saves should be there

It wont let me change my name from bobby, is there any way to fix this??


It'll be fixed later

the only option to talk to her is leave 

Go sleep in your bed late at night

i  am not able to get further. what should i do? ive tried talking to her in the evenings

sleep with her again and " have fun with her again"

Ims soo excited for the next update! (I'm actually soo excited to see a first time with hange hehe) and I have a question. When u plan to launch the next update?


An update usually comes out every 30 to 45 days 

Oh thanks

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